Sunday, January 17, 2016

Harry Potter Series MBTI

Obligation is where choice ends and duty begins. I have the unfortunate tendency to want to verbalize more often than reasonable. But when I obligate myself to write and actually publish it, even if it is online on a blog, it is enough question my desire to write at all. Of course upon this epiphany, overcoming this shortcoming of mine has become something of a challenge for me. As such, I have decided to publish my personality assignments to the characters of Harry Potter and slowly publish the rationalizations for them in installments. So here's to the first installment that include only Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, and inexplicably Regulus Black. 

Hogwarts Students (1991-1997)
Harry Potter (INFJ) 
It's a rare occasion indeed in which Harry has been thrilled with the attention he receives as a result of his fame. That's already an indication that he does not like the spotlight turned to him. Moreover, he is quite happy to spend all his time around his close friends, Ron and Hermione. We see that he routinely gravitates toward small intimate groups within larger ones even when those people are the rest of the Weasley family with whom is he quite close. He retires to seclusion at the end of the day even if he occasionally enjoys after Quidditch game parties. This makes him an introvert. He does not always need hard data or facts in order know that something is true, such as just knowing that Draco Malfoy was working for Voldemort without any evidence in HBP. This makes him an intuitive. He routinely pulls together what appears to be disparate ideas together to deduce something, and he more often than not, he is correct. He concludes that Snape attempted to steal the Sorcerer's Stone on Halloween in SS because his leg is injured by Fluffy when Harry sees him. But, because Harry refuses to believe Snape could be innocent at all, this brings me to conclude that he is judging as opposed to prospecting / perceiving, because once Harry decides on a theory, it's very difficult for him to let it go. And then there is the fact that he is a rather impulsive person who acts upon his immediate feelings as evidenced by the number of times that he could have thought things out before he acts upon them. We see him mouth off to professors multiple times throughout the series without any thought. So, it's only fitting that he feels something strongly enough that thinking comes secondary to him. 

Ronald "Ron" Weasley (ESFJ)
The one Weasley who cares about his social standing even more so than notorious Percy Weasley is Ron. He not only doesn't mind attention, he absolutely loves the spotlight. To stand apart in a family of nine with five older brothers is no small feat. He loves the exalted status he occasionally receives by being associated with famous Harry Potter and even becomes occasionally jealous of Harry's fame, despite being aware of the numerous problems associated with such fame. He is visibly giddy after being recognized for his own accomplishments and becomes very energetic and proud as a result. Therefore, I would place him as an extrovert. He also has a very soft spot for his family which extends into his friendship with both Harry and Hermione and is often seen being held back by Harry and Hermione as he attempts to curse or beat up Draco Malfoy. He senses and feels so strongly about his family, that he loses his ability to think when insulted. Finally, he is judging over prospecting since he does not easily change his mind about people. He is almost always on board with Harry whenever he's jumping to conclusion and it's only Hermione that sometimes keeps the pair of them from getting carried away despite being a judging individual herself. 

Hermione Granger (INTJ)
How can any die hard fan forget the color coded schedules that Hermione makes for Harry and Ron for their sixth year at Hogwarts to keep them from goofing off during their free time in HBP? She loves to plan and execute with perfection and believes education is the only way the world can accomplish progress. While she is not shy, but does not intentionally seek the spotlight making her oblivious to the reputation she's garnered for herself, though occasionally she does enjoy the compliments she receives. She is naturally more of an introvert since she seeks out smaller groups of people with whom to interact. She is normally seen speaking with only a few people at once and not a large crowd. She's more of an introvert by choice than anything else. She is intuitive as she can follow along both Harry's and Ron's wild theories and even come up with her own theories, particularly when it comes to understanding other people such as Cho Chang in OOTP. She also favors thinking over feeling since she has the ability to set apart theories versus facts more easily than either Ron or Harry and analyze every single thing to ensure that logic prevails. While it is difficult for Hermione to stay open to different situations, she understands that it is a short coming of hers as well as Harry's and Ron's and it seems that she tries very hard to keep an open mind especially when she's the only rational one between Harry and Ron. She has very definite, fixed ideas, but she makes it a conscious decision to be the voice of reason or prospecting / perceiving with her two best friends despite the fact that she is a J versus a P herself. 

Ginny Weasley (ESTJ)

Neville Longbottom (ISTJ) 

Luna Lovegood (INTP) 

Draco Malfoy (ENFP)

Fred Weasley (ESTP)

George Weasley (ENFJ)

Percy Weasley (INTP)

The Professors
Albus Dumbledore (see The Order of the Phoenix)

Minerva McGonagall (ENTJ) 

Severus Snape (see The Order of the Phoenix)

Rubeus Hagrid (see The Order of the Phoenix)

Gilderoy Lockhart (ENTJ) 

Remus Lupin (see The Order of the Phoenix)

Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody (INTP)

Dolores Umbridge (ENTJ)

Horace Slughorn (ENTP) 

The Order of the Phoenix 
Albus Dumbledore (ENTP)

James "Prongs" Potter (ESFP)

Sirius "Padfoot" Black (ENTP) 

Peter "Wormtail" Pettigrew (ESFJ) 

Remus "Moony" Lupin (ISTJ) 

Lily Evans Potter (INFP) 

Severus Snape (INTJ)

Rubeus Hagrid (ESFJ)

Arthur Weasley (ENFP)

William "Bill" Weasley (ESTP)

Charles "Charlie" Weasley (ISTP)

Molly Weasley (ESTJ)

Nymphadora Tonks (ESFP)

Death Eaters 
Tom Marvolo Riddle / Lord Voldemort (INTJ) 

Lucius Malfoy (INTJ) 

Bellatrix Black Lestrange (ESFP) 

Narcissa Black Malfoy (ISFJ)

Regulus Arcturus Black (ENTP) 
I will be the first to admit that we don't know nearly enough to pass judgment on Regulus, particularly since we never even meet the character in the series. However, I would tentatively place him as an ENTP. I would have loved to meet someone who went over to the dark side because he didn't know any better but came to the light with honor even if it did cost him his life. 

Given that he wants to be around people who accept him to the point that he blindly joins the ranks of the Death Eaters, we can assume it was because he wanted a large community around him from which he could draw his energies. Therefore, I would place him as an extrovert. Otherwise, if it was just friendship he wanted, he might have turned to his brother Sirius Black who, we could speculate, have steered him in the right direction sooner. I would place him as intuitive over a sensor simply because it's unlikely that Lord Voldemort confided in any of his followers that he had created several horcruxes. For Regulus to have pieced this together from what were probably disparate clues with no solid data and come to act upon his theory, he would have to be an intuitive. Next comes the choice of thinking versus feeling. It's unlikely that Regulus or any sane person could have endured what he did without feeling hesitation, fear, and sense of betrayal, but he in the end, he was able to set those feelings aside to make a rational decision to attempt to destroy the horcrux that he had managed to steal. This is one of the reasons that he can be classified as an NT rational. Finally, he is prospecting / perceiving over judging since he was able to keep an open mind to the fact that the monster that he served may be going about things the wrong way. We will never know just how much he grew to resent or reject Voldemort and his pureblood manifest agenda, but the fact that he was open to questioning this is enough to earn him his P for prospecting / perceiving over the J for judging.