Saturday, June 13, 2015

My upcoming waste-of-time-project...

I have a friend who recommended that I take the Meyers Briggs personality test right in the middle of my last semester of college [a]. Of course being in an epic state of panic over the state of my academic affairs which weren't going so well, I did the wise thing and wasted a solid four hours on something absolutely pointless and took the test she recommended [2]. As it turned out, it became my new interest and hobby to convince my entire family to take the test while I looked up the MBTI of all my favorite book, movie, and TV show characters. Naturally, I gravitated toward the analysis of fictional characters including the characters of the Harry Potter series, the Shadowhunter Chronicles, the TV show Merlin, Sherlock Holmes, Psych, NCIS, and so on. My latest waste-of-time-project has therefore been to tabulate a list of the personalities of the characters of my fancy. 

As usual, my home base is Harry Potter and therefore I'll begin my musings with JK Rowling's masterpiece of seven books followed by the Shadowhunter Chronicles by Cassandra Clare after which I refuse to plan. Besides "when have any of [my] plans ever actually worked? [I] plan, [I] get there, all hell breaks loose" [1]. 

Now, drumroll please (or you can throw rotten tomatoes at the screen and end up destroying your computer) until my next post which will be the Harry Potter Series MBTI

[1] Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2, dialogue by Harry Potter as Harry, Ron, and Hermione break out of Gringotts

[2] Link to 16 personalities: 

[a] The Meyers Briggs personality test classifies personalities into 16 personalities governed by Introversions vs. Extraversion; Intuitive vs. Sensing; Thinking vs. Feeling; Perceiving vs. Judging.  

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